Younger cute emo girl from Ella

Age: 13
Style: scene emo i guess
Orientation: unsure right now
Location: vegas
myspace: /icecreamy123
icq: myspaceim
Something you want to write: it may look like a wig (i've gotten that before), but it isn't. i use that silly shine spray stuff and hairspray. i like butterflies. they're pretty and to me i think that pretty much describes me. misunderstood, underestimated, beautiful, and forgotten.
cute emo girl cute emo girl
cute emo girl hair girl with wings
sexy emo girl
cute emo girl cute emo girl with elmo (here are some pics of elom)
cute emo girl hair stylecute emo girl
cute emo girl hairstyle her emo hairstyle is still cool!
cute emo girlemo girl
cute emo girl cute emo girl
cute emo girl

emo hat and short hair Braden

it's really cold these days, you should get someting to keep warm.

emo Eмо Sexy 2009

just emo Эмо
emo  Эмо
emo  Эмо emo Эмо

emo  Эмо